
The essence of the Happy lanes-Cirkáló©  ̶  Coloring method are the

which have been colored into the picture


show the colors and children can complet the missing parts with help of

Let’s color!



The essence of the visual method is the so-called “coloring lanes”, which have been colored into the pictures showing the color of the picture’s details.

It is on the basis of and with the help of these that children can color and complete the pictures with the appropriate colors, in other words:
to complete the missing parts with the appropriate colors.

The coloring lanes operate in a rather complex manner within the system, being able to transform, to generate new worksheets in different ways, without theoretically losing its basic features. One should not forget, however, that the drawing should also be annexed to it, because the structure of the task can only be determined based on the two elements together, on their relationship with each other. So, the coloring lanes can generate the tasks according to the level of the more and more difficulty.

The first step in solving a task always is that children have to color the incomplete parts with the appropriate colors based on the help of the coloring lanes. So they advance following the rules, they do not have to observe anything else. But the task offers far more than this.

Each and every picture portrays something, displays something happening. Seeing this, they no longer need the help of the coloring lanes every time, because they already see the whole picture, identify the form and they understand, what happens in the picture. For example, the roof is red, the window is yellow, etc.; they see the spatial relations, the forground-background relation, recognize the forms and are able to follow them. Then they advance in their work creatively and independently, and need no external assistance of the teacher. If they become uncertain, the help provided by the coloring lanes is integrated in each and every task. But if they are able to advance without that, they can ignore it. So, the children can work in the stress-free, tranquil and balanced condition.

Children like this coloring method, because the worksheets are ambiguous, they appear to have been scribbled all over, but still attract their attention, providing them with an exciting and playful coloring opportunity. As we know, children are extremely sensitive visually, so their ability to understand complex pictures is yet more developed than ours. Therefore, let them explore these coloring pages in their own way.

Since the original picture only becomes visible when the task is solved, the worksheet itself arouses their curiosity, due to its nature, there being no need for additional, extrinsic motivation, since the task itself provides that. Children spend a very long time, one valueable, immersed hour continuously, with this visual activity.

Even the children, who are not able to work with considerable perseverance, or stay seated on a chair, are able to solve this task completely, finally with pleasure, because the worksheets are very interesting for them. The Happy lanes-Cirkáló is not only a compilation of "coloring tasks ”.

The Happy lanes-Cirkáló© coloring method provides children with continuous attention and perseverance supported by an improved memory enabling quick and accurate response, generating the process of independent problem-solving. This results in higher performance and further intrinsic motivation granted by the achieved success.

Learn more about this method here!